Hello! And WELCOME to this platform where I intend to share with you the power and grace that can be found in cultivating spiritual practices such as Kundalini Yoga and Kundalini Activation Light Integration (KALI) and Heart Radiance. I am also excited to share with you the profound possibility of offering grounding and centering practices to Children so they can have the life long skills they need to thrive from a deep place within themselves. Resources on all of this, can be found here on this site. Please refer back to the Resources page as I will update regularly with more information for you to go deeper.
Currently I am residing in San Diego, California where I offer in person privates as well as group offerings that can be found and booked on this site.
I also make recurring trips to LA and NYC. I will update my whereabouts here so when I am traveling you know where you can find me in person or online.
So happy you are here.
Sat Nam,