What is Kundalini Activation Light Integration?
According to Ancient yogic texts, at the base of the spine there lies a dormant energy - an energy stream directly from Source consciousness, known as Kundalini. It is thought that if you can activate this latent energy by stimulating the kundalini you can then run it through the 7 Chakras, revitalizing the system , bringing it back into balance and with the oneness of Creation. Opening one up to new insights, integrations, and a sense of wholeness.
In a Kali session the participants are asked to do nothing other than lay down and close their eyes or sit in a comfortable position to receive. It is a passive practice, and with the help of music and the art of energy work one becomes more open to receive this spark of Kundalini.
Kundalini is creative energy and people often report life changes after several sessions of Kali, as well as mental, physical and emotional release during sessions. Some people move during sessions, others remain still. Some report visuals. But it is best to come with no expectations and allow the energy to pour through the body, mind and spirit, and go where it naturally wants to go to assist the Participant.
What Is Heart Radiance?
Heart Radiance energy work has to do with tuning into the Unified field of Consciousness, that can also be referred to as Christ Consciousness. A place where divisions and polarity become obsolete in light of the Radiance of the Human Soul and Love from G-d. It’s a a vibration of pure unconditional love and each Kali session is infused with it. We begin and end each session with its healing vibration.